How we educate future builders
The Projekt DOM.ov uses various informal ways how to educate clients, whose are involved in the program of self-help construction of family houses. Also in this case works that, it is better to see once than to hear 3 times. Even better than have a see is have an experience. On this principle works experiential education. The experience evokes emotions and one remembers them longer than the heard information. For this reason, we organize excursions for our clients to locations where the construction of houses is already underway.
In April, we organized such an excursion connected with education for money savers from Veľká Ida. The families first visited the Rankovce locality, where the building approval was 2 years ago, and then they absolved a tour in Kecerovce, where is a current construction. Understanding the whole process of building a family house is extremely important. Our goal, for families with our assistance, is not only to build houses, but to teach them everything what they need to build a house, from obtaining project documentation, building permits to building approval. And to be able to pass this experience on to their children and neighbors.